Sunday 19 July 2015

Bad Habits due to which you're always so tired!

Have you ever wondered why you start to feel sleepy just after lunch, sitting in front of your computer screen? Or why is it that you don’t even feel like buying your own vegetables, even over the weekend, and instead rely on apps even for this! And how many times did you want to wake up early to go for a jog, set your alarm, but chose sleep over exercise in the morning. Yes, it’s the snooze button that I’m talking about here! Lack of sleep isn't the only thing that’s sapping your energy. Little things you do (and don't do) can exhaust you both mentally and physically, which can make getting through your day a chore. Here are some common bad habits that can make you feel tired, plus simple lifestyle tweaks that will put the pep back in your step.
You skip exercise when you're tired
Skipping your workout to save energy actually works against you. Regular exercise boosts strength and endurance, helps make your cardiovascular system run more efficiently, and delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. So the next time you're tempted to crash on the couch, at least go for a brisk walk—you won't regret it when you’re back!

You don't drink enough water

Being even slightly dehydrated—as little as 2% of normal fluid loss—takes a toll on energy levels. Dehydration causes a reduction in blood volume, which makes the blood thicker. This requires your heart to pump less efficiently, reducing the speed at which oxygen and nutrients reach your muscles and organs. To calculate your normal fluid needs, take your weight in pounds, divide in half and drink that number of ounces of fluid a day. Typically an adult in the hot and humid sub-continent should consume 3 litres of water every day. I’m sure you’ve heard this number many times, but I hope you will try harder to incorporate this habit into your daily regime. 

You're not consuming enough iron

An iron deficiency can leave you feeling sluggish, irritable, weak, and unable to focus. "It makes you tired because less oxygen travels to the muscles and cells," Boost your iron intake to reduce your risk of anaemia. Load up on kidney beans, eggs (including the yolk), dark green leafy vegetables & nuts, and pair them with foods high in vitamin C (vitamin C improves iron absorption when eaten together).

You skip breakfast

The foods you eat fuel your body, and when you sleep, your body continues using what you consumed at dinner the night before to keep your blood pumping and oxygen flowing. So, when you wake up in the morning, you need to refuel with breakfast. Skip it, and you'll feel sluggish. Eating breakfast is like starting a fire in your body by kick-starting your metabolism. Try a combination of milk products with some eggs (The way you like them) and perhaps a few fruits like apples and bananas.

You live on junk food

Foods loaded with sugar and simple carbs (like the ones you'll find in a box) rank high on the glycaemic index (GI), an indicator of how rapidly carbohydrates increase blood sugar. Constant blood sugar spikes followed by sharp drops causes fatigue over the course of the day.

You check E-mails at bedtime

The glaring light of a tablet, smartphone, or your computer's backlit screen can throw off your body's natural circadian rhythm by suppressing melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles. Sensitivity to the digital glow of tech toys can vary from person to person, but in general it's a good idea to avoid all technology for one to two hours before bedtime. Can't avoid checking your device before your head hits the pillow? Then hold it at least 14 inches away from your face to reduce the risk of sleep interference. Don’t need to reach out for a scale, just keep your phone at a distance!

You rely on caffeine to get through the day

Starting your morning with a java jolt is no big deal—in fact, studies show that up to three daily cups of coffee is good for you—but using caffeine improperly can seriously disrupt your sleep-wake cycle. Caffeine blocks adenosine, the by-product of active cells that drives you to sleep as it accumulates, which in turn disrupts your sleep! Just can’t catch a break right? Don’t worry, because there’s just one more reason to possibly worry about, and this one’s probably true for all of us!

You stay up late on weekends

Burning the midnight oil on Saturday night and then sleeping through Sunday morning leads to difficulty in falling asleep on Sunday night—and a sleep-deprived Monday morning is what awaits you, staring at the face of your client in during your first meeting of the day. Since staying in can cramp your social life, try to wake up close to your normal time the following morning, and then take a power nap in the afternoon. "Napping for 20 minutes or so allows the body to recharge without entering the deeper stages of sleep, which can cause you to wake up more tired!
Simple lifestyle changes can really go a long way in ensuring that you stay fit, healthy and active, throughout the day, every day!

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