In our blog, we always talk about events and activities happening in our education system. We always try to keep our views as positive as we can, But today we am going to divert a little bit from what we do usually and would like everyone to introspect...Because that is the need of the hour.
Who are we?
That's the silliest question you would encounter today but let me tell you its the most difficult one to answer. Any question which are difficult to answer can't be that silly.
So your answer would be quite obvious and i.e. HUMAN BEING. The most important and intelligent animal on this planet. The main characteristics of a human being is humanity. If they have it then theie race will survive for many generations to come. But sadly HUMAN BEING is the most endangered species on this planet and the reason for this is that Humanity is getting diminished very rapidly.
What is happening in past 1 week with minors girls in Delhi is not only sad but frightening as well.Girls aged five and two got raped in Delhi and one of the incident was of brutal gang rape.
I would like to know one thing from all those who feel that girls are responsible for the crimes on them What is the faults of these 2 girls? Are they wearing skimpy clothes or they were suggestively inviting those criminals to them? they were out on streets late at night or they were eating noodles or chowmein too much which caused this oppressive incident?
It's high time that we should understand that apart from the negative and dominant mindset towards women there is no reason behind these unfortunate incidents. Now this negative and dominant mindset will not get changed overnight and it will be a slow, long and tedious process which will take many years to come but work on this should start from today.
The problem is the rate at which incidents are happening is quite alarming and till the overhauling of mindset takes place we need to find some solution to put a brake on these incidents.
Our solution is to that any offender who booked under the charge of sexual assault should report to Police station every week for his life. Whenever a rape case got registered in his area police should detain him from his home, He is not allowed to leave his place and his state for his life. In other words he would get societal, mental and moral molestation for his whole life in return for sexual molestation of the girl he did.
The implementation should be strict, quick and equal for everyone irrespective of cast, religion or financial or social status He should be made example in front of the society in which he lives in and people there should think 1000 times before committing this heinous crimes.
Now after reading all this many intellectual creeps might start shouting that why should one get punished again and again for the crime which he did once? And my answer would be just look at that girl who got raped once and the harassment which she faced. That harassment now stays with her forever and its sad that we live in this kind of the society. If that girl is facing repeated harassment for her life the the offender should get repeated punishment for his life. Life imprisonment and death sentence impact might be there but this fear of getting molested in his society every day, every week, every year will crumble the sexual offender internally. It will also help in increasing the rate of overhauling of the mindset mentioned above.
Its a request to all the caretakers of law order and justice that don't say that law will take its own course, Its you who has to change the course of the law otherwise that day is not far when people will come to street to change the course of law. That would be the end of the course of law.
Also, all those political parties who has the habit of shedding crocodile tears on these incidents should have some moral conscience.
When we are really ill then we have to take medicine which might taste sour but is very effective similarly to save the humanity in human being we need to take some strict steps. With these strict measure and effective preaching of values we can take our human species out of danger.
We need to act now otherwise very soon we will start asking ourselves that "WHO ARE WE?"
Very well written! And maybe this is more effective than hanging them or giving them life sentence!